Joomla Component Creator Presenter Support
We love the fact that we have so many passionate users who like to help us spread the word about Joomla Component Creator. To help out, we have prepared a presenter support package for people speaking about Component Creator. The package includes financial assistance, cool T-shirts and a 6 months subscription to our premium account.
Support Package

The following will be provided to all qualified presenters
- A cool Component Creator t-shirt for you to wear on the day
- Up to €50 in travel expenses
- 6 months premium subscription to Component Creator (€154 value)
- A set of PowerPoint slides that you can use as a base for your presentation
- Help, support and education in the use of Component Creator (if needed)
- A custom 50% discount code that you can share with the attendees of your talk
To Qualify
In order to qualify for the above support the following requirements must be met
- You must present at an official Joomla Day or a Joomla/Open Source related conference of more than 50
participants (Note that we do not require 50 participants in the actual talk)
- We also accept presenters who agree to present at several different JUG’s in their Country where the total amount of participants will be more than 50.
- Your talk must be published in the official program/website of the conference
- You must have experience with the following Joomla Component Creator features
- SQL Import
- Foreign Keys
- Speak good English or Spanish so we can communicate with you
- Note: We encourage speakers to present in the language of the event they are presenting at, if possible
To claim travel expenses
- You must provide scanned copies of bills. We accept bills for conference tickets, accommodation, petrol and public transport. All bills must have clear company name and date of issue
- You must provide proof of your talk in the form of a video, sound recording or photos if requested
- You must be able to issue us an invoice for the amount you are claiming
If you are interested in presenting at an event, please fill out this form.