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Login user can view other record which is not created by the same user

3 años 5 meses antes #9811 por Lee Chen
Hi everyone

I am wondering whether anyone has same problem as mine. The code below suppose if the user is Super User or login user id matches record created_by user id. However, if I changed the table id etc from 9 to 8 on the link /index.php/en/component/orders/order/9 to /index.php/en/component/orders/order/8 , where record 8 is not created by login user and still be able to view the record details.

if(empty($result) || $this->isAdminOrSuperUser() || $table->created_by == JFactory::getUser()->id){


any ideas?

many thanks.

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3 años 4 meses antes #9814 por Glenn Arkell
Hi Lee,
You possibly have already solved this but just in case . . .
In the site/views/order/view.html.php file you can add an extra check here before the $this->_prepareDocument(); such as
if ((isset($this->item->created_by) && $this->item->created_by != $user->id) || $this->isAdminOrSuperUser()){
throw new Exception(Text::_('JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR'));
Hope this helps. Cheers.

Por favor, Identificarse o Crear cuenta para unirse a la conversación.

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