
Immediate update to Joomla 3.4.5 necessary

The 15th of October, the Joomla Production Leadership (PLT) team was notified of the security issue by the internet security company SpiderLabs. The PLT started to work immediately on a fix and on the 16th announced a security patch by PLT member Jessica Dunbar. 

Job Offer: Joomla developer with strong PHP and English skills

We are looking to hire another Joomla! developer for our team in Jensen Technologies SL in Granada, Spain.

The ideal candidate will be familiar with the Joomla MVC, Git and strong in PHP. We imagine that you may be foreign and interested in moving to sunny Granada. We search for a passionate person who is keen to learn, who is used to teamwork while still being independent and has autonomous decision making abilities. We value intelligence and enthusiasm over education.

Featured User: Luis Orozco

Every month, we sit down and talk to one of our users and feature their story on our blog. This month we talked with Luis Orozco, Lead web developer, at

Component Creator nearing Huge Milestones: 50k users, 100k components!

We are close to reaching the milestones of 50,000 users and 100,000 components built using Component Creator.

What does this all mean? Component Creator has saved thousands of Joomla developers and administrators an estimated 22 years in development time (this is EPIC!)

New Feature: SEF Alias Field With Router Support

We have added a new feature for Component Creator. It was the most highly requested feature in our recent poll, and there were many forum posts asking for it.

Component Creator Development Roadmap

Thanks to all the users who voted in our poll we have been able to better make prioritizations, and have arrived at the following development roadmap.

Featured User: Carlos Camara (aka carcam)

Every month, we sit down and talk to one of our users and feature their story on our blog. This month we talked with Carlos Camara, Co-founder and developer at Hepta Technologies based in Almeria, Spain.

Vote for your favorite feature requests here!

One of the most popular sections of our support forum is "Feature Requests", with around sixty different threads and dozens of requests asking for new features. As it's so popular, we created a poll that we would like you to vote on, so that we can begin working on the most popular requests.

5 Uses for Component Creator You Haven’t Thought About

You probably already know most of the unique features in Component Creator, but here are five different ways to use it you might not have thought about.