
Observer pattern interface for Joomla

A class that wants to observe another class must:

1) Add: implements JObserverInterface
to its class

2) Implement a constructor, that can look like this:
public function __construct(JObservableInterface $observableObject)
$this->observableObject = $observableObject;

3) and must implement the instanciator function createObserver() below, e.g. as follows:
public static function createObserver(JObservableInterface $observableObject, $params = array())
$observer = new self($observableObject);
$observer->... = $params['...']; ...
return $observer;

4) Then add functions corresponding to the events to be observed,
E.g. to respond to event: $this->_observers->update('onBeforeLoad', array($keys, $reset));
following function is needed in the obser:
public function onBeforeLoad($keys, $reset) { ... }

5) Finally, the binding is made outside the observable and observer classes, using:
JObserverMapper::addObserverClassToClass('ObserverClassname', 'ObservableClassname', array('paramName' => 'paramValue'));
where the last array will be provided to the observer instanciator function createObserver.