
Find and replace sprintf-like tokens in a format string.

Each token takes one of the following forms: %% - A literal percent character. %[t] - Where [t] is a type specifier. %[n]$[x] - Where [n] is an argument specifier and [t] is a type specifier. Types: a - Numeric: Replacement text is coerced to a numeric type but not quoted or escaped. e - Escape: Replacement text is passed to $this->escape(). E - Escape (extra): Replacement text is passed to $this->escape() with true as the second argument. n - Name Quote: Replacement text is passed to $this->quoteName(). q - Quote: Replacement text is passed to $this->quote(). Q - Quote (no escape): Replacement text is passed to $this->quote() with false as the second argument. r - Raw: Replacement text is used as-is. (Be careful) Date Types: - Replacement text automatically quoted (use uppercase for Name Quote). - Replacement text should be a string in date format or name of a date column. y/Y - Year m/M - Month d/D - Day h/H - Hour i/I - Minute s/S - Second Invariable Types: - Takes no argument. - Argument index not incremented. t - Replacement text is the result of $this->currentTimestamp(). z - Replacement text is the result of $this->nullDate(false). Z - Replacement text is the result of $this->nullDate(true). Usage: $query->format('SELECT %1$n FROM %2$n WHERE %3$n = %4$a', 'foo', '#__foo', 'bar', 1); Returns: SELECT `foo` FROM `#__foo` WHERE `bar` = 1 Notes: The argument specifier is optional but recommended for clarity. The argument index used for unspecified tokens is incremented only when used.